Hoya obscura
Hoya obscura
Hoya obscura

Hoya obscura

Regular price$50.00
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Friendly Heads-Up: The vibrant, sun-kissed appearance of the plant in our stock photo is the result of being bathed in bright, loving light. If your new leafy friend arrives sporting a more mellow green hue, don't fret! It's simply showing its versatility. To coax out those radiant colors, just introduce it to a bright spot where it can bask in plenty of light. It’s all part of the plant’s journey, and with a little patience and care, you’ll see its true colors shine through. Remember, each plant is unique, and its beauty grows with time.


There's a wide range of Hoya obscura varieties, and while we don't offer all of them, we've been fortunate to encounter three distinct types in our own collection. You might wonder why there are so many versions. It often boils down to these plants originating from seeds of open-pollinated Hoya obscura, with cultivators carrying on the legacy through the same name.

Now, about this specific listing—this is the most enchanting Hoya obscura I've ever come across. If you're searching for that perfect clone, this is the one I'd wholeheartedly recommend. Place it under a beam of bright, direct light, and you're in for a treat. You'll quickly fall head over heels for its charming, chubby leaves that transform into a sun-kissed red. This is a love affair waiting to happen, and you won't regret it.

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Care Needs

Bright Light

No barrier between the plant and the light source. Ex: Directly under a grow light, in a sunny window with no curtains or trees.

Low Humidity: Ideally Above 40%

This Hoya tolerates a drier environment. However, it could still benefit from light humidity care, including misting and grouping together with other houseplants. May require humidifier in cooler, drier months.

Intermediate: Lowest 60F

This hoya does not require high heat, but does not tolerate cold as well as other varieties.

Does Sunstress

This plant has evolved to shift color when exposed to bright sunlight, much like a human getting a tan. This does not harm the plant with proper care.

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