Hoya Blashernaezii ssp Siariae is a delightful climbing plant with glossy green leaves and cute pink, cup-like flowers that are the main attraction.
The plant was named after Dr. Simeona V. Siar, in recognition of her contributions to the study of Philippine Hoyas. This plant was first discovered in the Bicol region of Luzon Island in the Philippines by Mr. Reynold B. Pimentel.
While the blooms of this Hoya are stunningly beautiful, the downside is their short lifespan. Despite being a weak climber, this plant makes up for it with its attractive appearance. The flower color ranges from buff to dark pink, and there are also white-flowered forms known as the 'Alba' form of the species.
Recreate conditions under a tree canopy, where plants receive lots of light, but it is filtered through the foliage of the trees above. Your light should be bright enough to cast soft shadows.
Low Humidity: Ideally Above 40%
This Hoya tolerates a drier environment. However, it could still benefit from light humidity care, including misting and grouping together with other houseplants. May require humidifier in cooler, drier months.
Loves Heat: Lowest 70F/21C
This hoya does not do well in cold conditions, so be sure to keep in a greenhouse or other temperature controlled space.
Does Sunstress
This plant has evolved to shift color when exposed to bright sunlight, much like a human getting a tan. This does not harm the plant with proper care.